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Czech Paint Horse Show
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On 4-5th of September, the Czech Paint Horse Club will host the fourth edition of the Czech Paint Horse Show (APHA approved show). For the second consecutive year it will be held in the Prosper Horse Ranch facilities in Celadna. For the first time the Czech Paint Show will be organized concurrently with the Czech Appaloosa Show.

Last year's show gathered 97 entries with 40 horses, competing in more than 30 classes: Amateur, Youth and Open among them. Apart of a full slate of halter classes, showmanship, trail, western pleasure, hunter under saddle, western riding and reining were offered. The show was judged by Heiko Keuchel from Germany. This year the organizers expect even more horses. And since the Czech Rep. entered the European Community, it will be a good opportunity for foreign breeders and riders to come to Celadna to gather some APHA points. The 2004 Czech Paint Horse show will be judged by Ms. Lise Wiebe from the Netherlands.

The Prosper Horse Ranch is one of the best western riding facilities not only in Czech Republic but also in Central Europe. You will find there two indoor arenas (30 x 60 m and 20 x 40 m) with good footing. There is also a big outside arena (36 x 77 m). The stable offers 53 boxes, a washing stand and a solarium. For those wishing to watch the show, there is a bar with a great view on the main indoor arena. Next to the horse ranch you will find a 18-hole golf course designed by Miguel Angel Jimenez.

The Czech Paint Horse Club was founded in 1995 and was officially approved by the APHA in 1998 (as the 126th regional club). In 2002 there was already 60 members (27 of them were APHA members) and 58 horses registered. Today there is more than 70 APHA members in Czech Rep. and more than 120 horses registered. The first APHA approved show in Czech Rep. was held in 2001 in Nova Amerika. There was 19 horses competing in 5 classes. The next year the second Paint Horse Show gathered 30 horses and there were 41 classes offered (17 halter classes and 24 performance classes).

All riders and breeders interested in coming to Celadna are welcomed. For further information you can contact: Ing. Klara Salkova (CZPHA President): +420 777 144 244 Ing. Silvie Lecikova (Showmanager): +420 605 720 967 You can also visit the CZPHA website: www.czpha.com




Quelle PHCG

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