W. Pleasure
1. Machine Made (A Good Machine-Gypsys Little Image, Good Version)
2. Vs Code Red (Blazing Hot-Vital Signs Are Good, Zippos Mr Good
3. RL Best Of Sudden (A Sudden Impulse-Zip N Therapy, Therapy)
4. No Doubt Im Lazy (Lazy Loper-No Doubt Im Magic, Magic Mac Reynolds)
5. Vs Flatline (Lazy Loper-Vital Signs Are Good, Zippos Mr Good
6. Its a Southern Thing (Only in the Moonlite-Shesa Hot Cookie,
Zips Chocolate Chip)
7. The Lopin Machine (A Good Machine-Hot Lopin Louise, Blazing
8. Batt Man (Good Version-Custom Maid Rodder, Radical Rodder)
9. Only in the Moonlite (Invitation Only-Zippo By Moonlight, Zippo
Pine Bar)
10. Lazy Loper (Gota Lota Potential-Hint Again, Hint Of Conclusive)

Hunter Under Saddle
1. Allocate Your Assets (Protect Your Assets-Katt Sass (TB), Ocean
Free (TB))
2. Its a Southern Thing (Only in the Moonlite-Shesa Hot Cookie,
Zips Chocolate Chip)
3. Good I Will Be (A Good Machine-Miss Trophy Dash, Hotrodders
Jet Set)
4. Hubba Hubba Huntin (Huntin for Chocolate-Hubba Hubba Hotrod,
Hotrodders Jet Set)
5. Vs Code Red (Blazing Hot-Vital Signs Are Good, Zippos Mr Good
6. Extremely Hot Chips (Blazing Hot-Miss Trophy Chip, Zips Chocolate
7. Hot N Blazing (Blazing Hot-Zippos Baby Jane, Zippo Pine Three)
8. Iron Enterprise (Natural Iron-Lacious, Privitazion (TB))
9. Too Sleepy to Zip (Zippo Jack Bar-To Sleepy Too, Sleepy's Man)
10. Mechanic (A Good Machine-Zippin Thru Town, Dont Skip Zip)
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gerne weiter,
z.B. Pat Faitz, Sylvia Katschker und Sylvia Jäckle für den
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