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Premiere: Erste zentraleuropäische NRHA approved Show
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Es ist soweit - die erste NRHA approved Show in zentraleuropa findet statt, die "Celadna Ride & Slide 2005". Ausgerichtet von der Polish Reining Horse Association ud der Paint Horse s.r.o., wird diese am 14. und 15. Mai in Celadna in der Tschechischen Republik stattfinden.

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The Paint Horse s.r.o. and the Polish Reining Horse Association, in cooperation with the NRHA of Czech Republic and the Slovak Reining Horse Association, plan to host the first ever NRHA approved show in Central Europe. The “Celadna Ride & Slide” show will take place at the Prosper Horse Ranch in Celadna (Czech Republic) on the 14-15th of May, 2005.

Reining is becoming more and more popular in Central Europe. With lots of good horses and experienced trainers, it was just a matter of time to have a NRHA approved show in this part of Europe. After a very successful last season for Czech riders – with the Czech CRI and great results at the World Reining Masters finals in Oklahoma City – the “Celadna Ride & Slide” can be another step towards the recognition of Central European reining.

The Prosper Horse Ranch is located in Celadna (40 km from Ostrava), a beautiful village in the picturesque surroundings of the Beskydy Mountains, with the dominant Lysá Mountain. It was opened in 2001 along with an 18-hole golf course. The Prosper Horse Ranch is one of the biggest facilities in Czech Republic. Spacious, airy and bright stables offer 53 boxes, a horse solarium and a washing stand. The show will take place on the main indoor, heated arena (30 x 60 m) with good reining footing, prepared especially for the show. There is also a second indoor arena (24 x 40 m) and a big outdoor arena (35 x 75 m). For those wishing to watch the show, there is bar with a great view on the contest arena.

A total of 13 reining classes will be offered. Seven of them will be NRHA approved. There will be a NRHA Morrison Trophy Open class with 1000 USD money added. “Celadna Ride & Slide 2005” also offers NRHA Intermediate Open (500 USD added), NRHA Hackamore/Snaffle Bit 5 & under Open (250 USD added), NRHA Youth 13 & under and 14 –18. For Non Pro riders there will be a NRHA Pewter Trophy Non Pro (500 USD added) and a NRHA Hackamore/Snaffle Bit 5 & under Open (250 USD added). There will also be six classes approved by the Czech FN: Senior, Junior, Amateur, Youth, Futurity and Novice Horse Open.

The “Celadna Ride & Slide 2005” show will be judged by Jörg Bös (Germany) - a NRHA International judge. Jörg has been working with horses for 25 years. In spring 2000 Jörg Bös received his NRHA of USA Continental approval. Since then he has judged some important shows in Europe. In 2001 he was judging the prestigious Breeders Futurity in Kreuth. Next year he was working as judge during the Americana 2002 in Augsburg. The same year he was also judging the Super Slide and in 2003 – the NRHA-Osterturnier (both in Kreuth). Besides the show in Celadna, in 2005 he will also judge the LE Grand Open show in Leipzig.

All riders are welcomed to participate in this first NRHA approved show in Central Europe. Besides the show itself, it’s a great opportunity to visit the beautiful Prosper Horse Ranch and no less beautiful Czech Republic. More information about the ranch and the show will be available at www.painthorse.cz or www.plrha.pl

For further information please contact:
Show manager: Michal Pec, phone: +48 604 589 453, e-mail: mipe@poczta.wp.pl
Show secretary: Katarzyna Pec, e-mail: pecka@poczta.wp.pl


Quelle wittelsbuerger.com


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